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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Ahh, the day where we all wear green and pretend to be Irish to celebrate a man who did not hail from Ireland. According to Wikipedia, he was from Britain and was captured by the Irish to become a slave. After escaping Ireland and joining the church, he returned to Ireland to drive out all those "snakes". So to celebrate this, we wear green and use MS Paint to dress up our babies and pets as leprechauns. Some people also drink a lot.
The pic above is my neice Hannah, and she makes a dandy leprechaun, as I'm sure her parents will agree after seeing this. The outfit she is modeling is a custom made design by Victor and me. She can be seen wearing more of these creations on and the new "Zeke" line will be available for viewing in May of this year!

1 comment:

roseworld said...

spring is here. missing you.