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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why do things not exist?

I am always having great ideas for at home projects and then finding out my ideas don't exist yet. That sounds strange. What I mean is, no one else seems to have made them yet. Why not? For example, a small watermill built into a fountain pump and the watermill produces just enough electricity to power the pump that powers it. Just a little decorative thing that serves only to power itself. Well, I guess I'll have to get to making if I want one.
P.S. Don't steal my ideas.

1 comment:

Sister-man said...

Ha Ha Ok Ok, you don't have to tell me. Apparently what I was preposing is known as "perpetual energy", which is one of those things that can not exist. It hadn't really occured to me that it was. I just wanted a fountain that didn't have to be plugged in or use batteries. Oil well.